Saturday, October 6, 2012


life is the greatest gift that god had given to us, although our parents are the one who created us. Life is the most selfish, unfair, tragic, dramatic, lonely thing that we could ever had, everyone does have their own life but some ended in wrong way of life thus few of them just can't accept what life they pass through or what they experience. They say life is so easy like waking up in the morning, eating, spend the say with things you wanna do, social life in the evening then sleep and wake up again next day and repeat it your whole life, thus this look easy? maybe yes if you hot a god health, wealth, shelter, food and a family, but how about people who does not? can we call it life? or sold we call it losers life cause they can't achieve a real life where they can do those things that makes an easy life. You can choose a way of life that you want cause its your own and at any means, what ever the result would be, its just the sum of what life you have chosen. But do we have choices to chose? or its the life that chooses our way that we should take. But these can be the choices to be given, first is decide, second is act, third is let life makes it or fourth is to act what you've decided and let life do the rest.

Life?????? what would it mean for a child? frankly if yo ask a 5 year old, he would just nod and ask you what is life. a 10 year old may answer i don't know. a 15 year old will say that life is the reason of living, you live cause you have life, and a 20 year old man like me, ohh yes i am a 20 year old guy hahah!!! well i might answer i don't know like a 10 year old, why? cause there's no definite meaning of life or a single sentence that would define what life really means or why do humans live. another answer from me would be,life is a thing that i would never regret that i have cause iv'e got friends that make my life a better one, family that strengthens me from the beginning, a special someone whom i don't know now who is she but i know that she will be part of my life that will make it more wonderful and most of all God that will guide me in my whole life.

Life is unfair indeed,know why? cause if life would be fair to you its unfair. people cant have it all, there''s always a lack of something in a person that other have and vice versa. Life is always fair that it seems to be unfair, cause hard work would be meaning less and dreams would be trashed. Life is unfair so you would try and work hard for something you want to have but sometimes life just don't give it to you cause it have different way of life it want you to be.

live - laugh - love - life

Friday, October 5, 2012


who are the BrainLess??? they're not literally brainless nor weak rather friends that play happily or trash talking each others. Yes we lose sometimes because there's something that we call brainless curse that's why we lose but we often win our battles in League Of Legends, we don't trash talk our enemies if they don't trash talk us but rather we love to trash talk our teammates cause its more fun specially between us brainless. but whats good at us is we don't get mad when we trash talk each others and we keep on doing that and laugh.

tournament of the brainless in antipolo
and the time when brainless clan was officially made

We really dont play LOL cause we recently are dota players then one day cheeno and tubs of the brainless played it and encourage kel and nerie to play it too and they enjoy playing, i know LOL since 2011 cause my 2 classmates were playing it already and also encouraged me to play it too but my computer cant handle the specification of LOL so i cant play it at home but when cheeno, tubs, kel and nerie is playing it, i also decided to play with them in red extreme computer shop that we always play on, We played almost everyday until there were a poster that there will be a free play of LOL and a tournament that will be held in the same computer shop that we always played it so we decided to join it and go in the free play and thats when BrainLess was made the idea of it was in the summoners name of tubs which is Mrbrainlessman then team Brainless was created. Before the tournament the garena GM's also held a free to play in antipolo, on that day we brainless are present and whats good on that day is we can play LOL for free and gain some more friends specially cris/imsocrispy, before the end of that day we have an all random(ARAM) 5v5 with the GM's team w/cris, its our first time to battle with the GM's and it was fun. And then the tournament day came there are plenty of players that came and also teams, we were in 7th team and in 4th game we are all nervous cause we know that were not that strong enough to win but were confident on each other that the team will work together to win. And the game begins but unfortunately we lose on our first game but we don't lose without learning a lesson.

Brainless has now 9 players consisting of

Cheeno Gelaga -             Collonelo -               AP CARRY / HITTER
Jhon Vincent Tuballa -     Mrbrainlessman -     HITTER / FARMER
Michael Arjona -             LORDMECOY -    OFF TANK / FARMER
Jose Nerie Roca -           Rastafari86 -            OFF TANK
Alrovin Ibarlin -               BR.Joker -              OFF TANK / ADR
Aaron Regio -                 Rollin -                     HITTER
Bryan Carpio -                bryancarpio -           SUPPORT / AP CARRY
James SoriƱo -                Jamespro -              ADR / AP
Paul Eric Delos Santos -  BR.Annoying -        ADR / SUPPORT

rollin, bryan and james join our clan because we often team up with them and enjoy playing with us, we always enjoy playing LOL like a hobby or daily routine to play it. We often play together as a team for better When we have vacant time and not playing we often talk about it and telling our experiences in game and all about LOL. There are times that we go out to drink and talk like its our rest day, and whats we do is talk and talk about our games and trash talk some of our past games and give some advice to each other. We enjoy hanging out with each other and play, as of now we are not that good at playing lol but i assure you as we play everyday and enjoy playing someday our clan will be known in LOL world hahah. We have Paul/BR.Annoying now who is also one of our classmate in high school.

You could say that our clan is a funny, trash talker, easy to get along and have a strong bonds to each other wanna know why? cause we don't play to gain fame rather friends, we play cause we enjoy it and we love LOL, we trash talk not because your weak but because we just want to have fun, we are recently DOTA players but we found out that LOL is better, so now for you to understand us better you could play with us and hang out so you would know us better and know why even the girlfriend of rollin enjoys our clan. You could easily find us at Red Extreme Computer Shop extension where we always play

Brainless will always be a brainless, not because we have less brain but because we have brains and you have less so gets???
Brainless can be your good and real friends but be careful cause we can also be your best enemy that wont lose.
Brainless cannot be dissolve nor disbanded, you can hate us but you cannot deceive us, you can beat us but don't be confident cause we will revenge.