Life?????? what would it mean for a child? frankly if yo ask a 5 year old, he would just nod and ask you what is life. a 10 year old may answer i don't know. a 15 year old will say that life is the reason of living, you live cause you have life, and a 20 year old man like me, ohh yes i am a 20 year old guy hahah!!! well i might answer i don't know like a 10 year old, why? cause there's no definite meaning of life or a single sentence that would define what life really means or why do humans live. another answer from me would be,life is a thing that i would never regret that i have cause iv'e got friends that make my life a better one, family that strengthens me from the beginning, a special someone whom i don't know now who is she but i know that she will be part of my life that will make it more wonderful and most of all God that will guide me in my whole life.
Life is unfair indeed,know why? cause if life would be fair to you its unfair. people cant have it all, there''s always a lack of something in a person that other have and vice versa. Life is always fair that it seems to be unfair, cause hard work would be meaning less and dreams would be trashed. Life is unfair so you would try and work hard for something you want to have but sometimes life just don't give it to you cause it have different way of life it want you to be.
live - laugh - love - life